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International Young Physicists' Tournament

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the following eight members:

  • President

  • Secretary General

  • Treasurer

  • Two members elected by the IOC

President, Secretary General, Treasurer, and the two members elected by IOC have a term of four years. They can be re-elected. Terms of office start on November 01, following the election.

PresidentMartin Pleschplesch@savba.sk
Secretary GeneralTimotheus Helltimhell@gmail.com
TreasurerIlya Martchenkoilya.martchenko@iypt.org
MemberSamuel Bylandsamuel.byland@mng.ch
MemberQian Sunqiansun@nankai.edu.cn

Former Executive Committee members (since 2011)

Member (LOC 2018)Qi Mimiqi@rdfz.cn
Member (LOC 2017)Yeo Yesciyeoy@nus.edu.sg
Member (LOC 2016)Olga InishevaO.V.Inisheva@urfu.ru
Member (LOC 2015)Prapun Manyumpmanyum@sut.ac.th
Member (LOC 2014)John Balcombejohn@kber.co.uk
PresidentAlan Allinsonaallinso@bigpond.net.au
MemberGeorg Hofferekgeorg.hofferek@gmx.net
MemberLi Chuan Yonglcymar@163.com
Member (LOC 2013)Chih-Ta Chiachia.chihta@gmail.com
Member (LOC 2012)Rudolf Lehnsfz@uni-ulm.de
Member (LOC 2011)Dina Izadiinfo@ayimi.org
Member (LOC 2010)Timotheus Helltimhell@gmail.com


IYPT2009 Organization

President : JingJun  XU

Secretary General: ChuanYong  Li

Member:Wei Sun,Qian Sun,YuBin Liu,Romano Rupp,Feng Ding,WeiGang Zhang,HaiYan  Gao,WenHua Liu,Jian Gao,NingNing Zhang,KeXin Yang,HuiLan Wang,ShanHong Qi

Nankai University

Nankai University is considered a  comprehensive university with a complete curriculum that includes the  humanities, natural sciences, technology, life sciences, medical sciences and  the arts.

Nankai, has 18 colleges and schools, and offers 71 bachelor's  degree programs, 206 master's degree programs, and 117 Ph.D. programs.  

The total enrollment stands at approximately 12,000 undergraduate  students and 9000 graduate students.